Undo after tag generating

Here, this was done in a previous thread and very much along the same lines as dennisjn is suggesting, but using localStorage instead.

  const TEXTSTORE = "text-store";
  // start by clearing previous storage

  const retrieveText = () => {
    // will retrieve the stored data, which is in string format
    // and JSON.parse will convert that into a usuable array
    const storedText = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(TEXTSTORE));

    // if nothing has been stored then return with false
    if (storedText === null) {
      return false;

    // let's just check that we have an array
    if (Array.isArray(storedText)) {
      // retrieve last item stored in array.
      // pop will mutate the storedText array, removing the last item
      const lastText = storedText.pop();
      // now the array has one less item, overwrite the previous store
      localStorage.setItem(TEXTSTORE, JSON.stringify(storedText));
      // return lastText
      return lastText;

    return false;

  const storeText = (text) => {
    const storedText = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(TEXTSTORE));

    // if this is the first time storing then create our text store
    // saving an array with our first bit of text
    if (storedText === null) {
      localStorage.setItem(TEXTSTORE, JSON.stringify([text]));
      return; // return early

    if (Array.isArray(storedText)) {
      // add new text to end of array
      // overwrite text store with ammended array
      localStorage.setItem(TEXTSTORE, JSON.stringify(storedText));

and …

document.querySelectorAll(".wrap-with").forEach((button) =>
    button.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
      const textArea = document.querySelector("#myTextarea");
      wrapWith(event.target, textArea);

  document.querySelector(".undo").addEventListener("click", () => {
    const textArea = document.querySelector("#myTextarea");
    // retrieve last change
    const lastText = retrieveText();
    // if there is a change then amend the text area
    if (lastText) {
      textArea.value = lastText;

I think joon1 is having another go at this. This is the previous thread