Understanding "conditional" or "responsive" forms?

I’m trying to learn about how “conditional” forms typically work. Do they do anything other than just hide form fields based on data entered into other fields?

For example, suppose I want a form that asks for a mobile number number. The mobile number is required unless they check a checkbox that says “I don’t have a mobile number” in which case another field appears that says “enter your landline number” then, since they said they didn’t have a mobile number, now the landline number is required (so that I capture some kind of phone number on the form).

My question more broadly is, how is this done? Is it just a matter of hiding fields (hide the mobile number if they check “I don’t have a mobile”) using javascript (assuming that ajax isn’t used to push the data back to the server as it’s entered)?

Personally, I don’t like website that makes a form confusing. Personally, I would just ask for a required telephone number if they don’t have one (which would be surprising) then a better way to get a hold of you.(email?) People are more interested in the content and the more friendly you make the website the more likelier they are going to stay on the page or website.

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Specifically for this use case, a phone number is in essential to the interaction, since it’s for a business that needs that for their sales process. Yes, people will drop out and not fill out the form if they are required to provide a phone number.

That will include people who are unable to use a telephone for some reason. You should have some alternative provision in place to allow equal access to services.

Okay, that’s not really what the thread is about, though.

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