Understand the classci.asp xml code

Dear all,

I am writing to seek help, in understanding the following code’s logic below. Apology for any inconvenience caused, as I am not sure, if this section of the forum, is the correct place to, seek help in regards the issue below.

Set objXMLDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") 
	objXMLDoc.async = False 
	blnLoaded = objXMLDoc.loadxml(xmlhttp.responsetext)
	Set objReturn = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 

'response.write objXMLDoc.xml
    sURI = ""
	If blnLoaded Then
		on error resume next
			strStatus = objXMLDoc.selectsinglenode("//status/code").text 
		   Set nodeIssue = objXMLDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("resources_created/link")
		   sURI = nodeIssue.getAttribute("href")
		strStatus = 999
		sURI = ""
	End If
   if sURI <> "" then%>
   	<!-- #INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/API/api_article.asp" -->
   	<!-- #INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/API/api_email.asp" -->
   		response.write "there was a  problem importing SCI Issue/Titles"	

   end if
response.write "Issue status: " & strStatus`

My goal is to translate the same logic to C#. Any hints/help would be most welcomed. Thank you.

So how far have you actually gotten? The basic logic is the same - the syntax will be a little different.

I would start with a search for XMLReader. That should point you in the right direction…