Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use ‘in’ operator to search for ‘length’

I have two JS files as shown below (page1.js) and (page2.js for reference included below). I am basically referring to the following JSON response while working :

	"webservice_status": {
		"status": "SUCCESS",
		"message": ""

	"my_document_list": [{

			"doc1": "445",
			"doc2": "445",
			"doc3": "445",
			"doc4": "445",
			"content": "Some text here to display"


Here is my page1.js related work:

$("#mydoclist").on('rowclick', function (event) {
			row = event.args.rowindex;
			datarow = $("#mydoclist").jqxGrid('getrowdata', row);
			var response = JSON.stringify(datarow, null, 10);
			var docID  = datarow["doc_id"];


this.getMyDocumentContents = function (contentID_) {

                var data = {
                      doc_id: contentID_

               app_.get(data, self.processContent, app_.processError, url_name);

}// End of getMyDocumentContents

this.processContent = function(data_,textStatus_,jqXHR_) {

      data_ = app_.convertResponse(data_,jqXHR_);
      console.log("Checking for actual data_ content:", data_); 
      console.log("Actual Data Length Check for data_ content:", data_.my_document_list.length); 
      // debugger;
      var collection = data_.my_document_list.length[0].content;
      console.log("Collection Check",collection);


       var source = {
         localdata: collection,
         datafields: [{
         name: 'content',
         type: 'string'
      datatype: "array"

      var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source, {

           loadComplete: function (records) {


                var html;
		  //Get data
            var records = dataAdapter.records;
		    console.log("Check for records:",records.length);
            var length = records.length;
            html = "<div style='margin: 10px;'><pre>" + records[0].content + "</pre></div>";

            loadError: function (xhr, status, error) { },
            beforeLoadComplete: function (records) {



            // perform data binding

            var panel = $("#docContentPanel");
            var content = panel.html();
			panel.jqxPanel({ width: '750', height: '500', scrollBarSize: 20 });

 }// End of processContent

Here is my page2.js related work:

this.get = function (data_, done_, fail_, webServiceKey_) {

        // Lookup the requested web service URL
        var url = https://documentlookup.com:8443/getmydocuments;

        // Create the AJAX request.
            data: data_,
            method: "GET",
            url: url

// If the JSON data was returned with content type of "text/plain", parse as JSON before returning.
    this.convertResponse = function (data_, jqXHR_) {

        return (typeof(data_) === "object" ? data_ : JSON.parse(data_));

Basically there is a list of rows displayed in a jqxgrid(not mentioned in the code below), when a user clicks on it
$(“#mydoclist”).on('rowclick gets called , which calls the following function:
getMyDocumentContents function: This function basically passes the doc_id inside data variable which is made
available for the following function:
In this function, I am trying to show the content value of the my_document_list array in a jqxPanel.
Problem I am facing inside this function:
As can be seen, there are debugger I placed at various places which are currently commented except at one place
which is just below this line loadComplete: function (records) {
I don’t get any error above this line var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source, { , however, as soon as
I place it inside it, I get the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use ‘in’ operator to search for ‘length’ in jquery-1.11.1.js:583 Where length is a numerical number which keeps on changing depending upon the length of value of content` of the above JSON response.
Could anyone tell me what’s going wrong? thanks in advance !
Just in case needed, here is the jQuery line #583 isArraylike function :

function isArraylike( obj ) {
	var length = obj.length,
		type = jQuery.type( obj );

	if ( type === "function" || jQuery.isWindow( obj ) ) {
		return false;

	if ( obj.nodeType === 1 && length ) {
		return true;

	return type === "array" || length === 0 ||
		typeof length === "number" && length > 0 && ( length - 1 ) in obj; // THIS is LINE 583 which throws error

A search for “jquery line 583 error” suggests that jQuery of various versions will throw an error at that line if you call it against a null object. In your case that suggests that the records variable is returning null. But I’m only searching, have very little JS experience.

Okay, thanks. Do you think it may be good to try other versions of jQuery?

I don’t think that the version of jQuery is relevant here.

Can you please link us to a test page that demonstrates the problem, so that a more thorough investigation can take place?

Thanks for your time. Appreciated. I was able to fix the bug by modifying this line var collection = data_.my_document_list.length[0].content; to var collection = data_.my_document_list.length;

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