Tutorials and help about jhipster

is there someone who knows something about Jhispter and has a installation step by step for Ubuntu which works? because I’ve been trying and it aways give errors during the installation.

ps:the tutorial in the jhipster site didn’t help me !!!

Which errors are you getting? I’ve never ran into any issues running it, but it looks like they have become quite a bit more opinionated since I last messed with it. If you post your errors here, maybe someone can help you.

Note the message below the quickstart:

* Assuming you have already installed Java, Git, Node.js, Bower, Yeoman and Gulp

The page itself has links to each.

I’m not sure what your knowledge level is, but if you’re having issues with it. Try an un-opinionated approach by running Spring-Boot and building a frontend with Angular or React. Opinionated approaches are sometimes very hard to understand if you don’t understand the underlying technology.

hey dude, thanks for the help, but i have a low level of ubuntu and jhipster, can you create or know someone who can a full tutorial to help me ? in my vision point, is the only way…thaks !!!

I don’t know of any specifically, if they don’t exist on the jHipster site. You can probably piece together different tutorials to accomplish what you’re trying to do.

You mean this?


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I tried this tutorial several times in ubuntu, and I did not succeed, :(( but anyway, thank’s for answer my question !!

Hey Renan,

Were you following the local installation? If yes, which of the steps are not working?

  1. Install Java 8 from the Oracle website.
  2. (Optional) Install a Java build tool.
  • Whether you choose to use Maven or Gradle, you normally don’t have to install anything, as JHipster will automatically install the Maven Wrapper or the Gradle Wrapper for you.
  • If you don’t want to use those wrappers, go to the official Maven website or Gradle website to do your own installation.
  1. Install Git from git-scm.com. We recommend you also use a tool like SourceTree if you are starting with Git.
  2. Install Node.js from the Node.js website (prefer an LTS version). This will also install npm, which is the node package manager we are using in the next commands.
  3. (Recommended) Update npm: npm install -g npm
  4. Install Yeoman: npm install -g yo
  5. Install Bower: npm install -g bower
  6. Install Gulp: npm install -g gulp-cli (If you have previously installed a version of gulp globally, please run npm rm -g gulp to make sure your old version doesn’t collide with gulp-cli)
  7. Install JHipster: npm install -g generator-jhipster
  8. (Optional) Install Yarn: npm install -g yarn (So you can use the yarn flag yo jhipster --yarn)

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