Trying to get all parts of a URI

I have a script that uploads a document and I want it to give me the URI of the uploaded doc.

The upload script is at

and the uploaded doc is at

So far I have

echo '<p>Newsletter URL: <strong>', $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'], '://', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $dir, $file, '</strong></p>', "\n";

but that is missing part of the path ie the /folder/ bit. Is there any way to get that part of the path without hardcoding it?

Perhaps use this:


$arrayOfUrlParts = parse_url($uploadedFile);
echo '<pre>'; print_r($arrayOfUrlParts); echo '</pre>';

Yes, I looked at parse_url but that rather assumes I have $uploaded file in the first place.

I try the fire was passed to upload.php using get or post. The file path could be passed to parse_url(…);

Without knowing more information it is not easy to suggest solutions.

Sure. What do you need to know? This is the part of the code that saves the uploaded file:

$dir = '/newsletter/';
$destdir  = '..'.$dir;
if (!is_dir($destdir))
$file  = 'news1.pdf';
$destpath = $destdir.$file;
$tmp_name = $_FILES['uppfile']['tmp_name'];
if (is_uploaded_file($tmp_name) && move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $destpath)) {
  echo '<p>File ', $filename, ' has been uploaded successfully as <strong>', $file, '</strong>.</p>', "\n";
  echo '<p>Newsletter URL: <strong>', $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'], '://', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $dir, $file, '</strong></p>', "\n";

It’s $uploadedFile in your example that I’m trying to get to. It is fine if there’s no sub-directory.

Try this:

$dir 			= '/newsletter/';
$destdir  = '..' .$dir;
if (!is_dir($destdir)) 

$_FILES['uppfile']['tmp_name'] = 'DEBUG_NOT_USED.PDF';

echo '<br>$dir ==> ' ,
	$dir 			= '/newsletter/';
echo '<br>$destdir ==> ' ,
	$destdir  = '..' .$dir;
echo '<br>$filename ==> ' ,
	$filename = 'news1.pdf';
echo '<br>$destpath ==> ' ,
	$destpath = $destdir .$filename;
echo '<br>$tmp_name ==> ' ,
	 $tmp_name = $_FILES['uppfile']['tmp_name'];
if (1 || is_uploaded_file($tmp_name) && move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $destpath))
  echo '<p>File ', $filename, ' has been uploaded successfully as <strong>', $filename, '</strong>.</p>', "\n";
  echo '<p>Newsletter URL: <strong>'
  			, '://'
  			, $dir
  			, $filename
  			, '</strong></p>'
  			, "\n";




Added $dir and $destdir.

But what if my script is in a sub-directory in localhost? That is where I’m getting stuck.

If www is considered a sub-directory then this works.

ini_set('display_errors', '1');

$dir      = '/newsletter/';
$destdir  = '..' .$dir;
if (!is_dir($destdir)) 

$_FILES['uppfile']['tmp_name'] = 'DEBUG_NOT_USED.PDF';

echo '<br>$dir ==> ' ,
  $dir      = '/newsletter/';

echo '<br>$destdir ==> ' ,
  $destdir  = dirname( __DIR__) .$dir;

echo '<br>$destdir ==> ' ,
  $destdir  = strstr($destdir, 'public_html/');

echo '<br>$destdir ==> ' ,
  $destdir  = trim( substr($destdir, 12) );

echo '<br>$dir ==> ' ,
  $dir      = strstr($destdir, 'public_html', false);

echo '<br>$filename ==> ' ,
  $filename = 'news1.pdf';

echo '<br>$filename ==> ' ,
  $filename = 'news1.html';

echo '<br>$destpath ==> ' ,
  $destpath = $destdir .$filename;

echo '<br>$tmp_name ==> ' ,
   $tmp_name = $_FILES['uppfile']['tmp_name'];
if (1 || is_uploaded_file($tmp_name) && move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $destpath))
  echo '<p>File ', $filename, ' has been uploaded successfully as <strong>', $filename, '</strong>.</p>', "\n";

  echo '<br> $url ==> ',
        . '://'
        . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']
        . '/'
        . $destpath
       // . $filename

  echo '<p>Newsletter URL: <strong>';
  echo    '<a href="' .$url .'">' ,$filename .'</a>';   
  echo '</strong></p>'
        , "\n"

It took me ages to find out why the file nest1.html was not opening. I created the file for testing purposes - the file name had a leadiing space!

Based on your question and the files paths you posted, you would really benefit from setting up a Virtual Host and using an MVC Architecture and Routing.

With a Virtual Host and MVC, your URL would go from


It would also give you unlimited control over your directory structure and eliminate “sub-directories” as far as the URL goes.


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