Trouble with PHP email form

I don’t have PHP knowledge so I’m hoping someone here can help me.

The form mail on a clients site quit working recently. I contacted the site host and it turns out there was a glitch and the server the site was on no longer had PHP on it. They fixed the issue and now the form works except the Thank You page no longer shows up when you hit submit, you just get blank page.

On the hosts site log it says the following (I removed the clients domain name)…
PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /hermes/bosnaweb01b/b2415/dot.evelynclarkdesigns/public_html/contact.php:10) in /hermes/bosnaweb01b/b2415/dot.clientsdomainname/public_html/contact.php on line 45

When I got to line 45 on the thank you page, this is the code that’s there…

header(“Location: thanks.html”);

Can anyone tell me what the problem is? I would certainly appreciate it. Just an FYI, this form had been made before I took over maintaining the site.


That error means that somewhere in the script, before you reach that line 45, there’s already some kind of output. It could be an empty line (for example an empty line before the first <?php tag or the last ?> tag in one of the files you include, or an empty line between closing and opening php tags in the same document.
Or it could be the BOM (