Trigger onclick event in a button element

I have the following button element in a form

<form action="#" method="post" id="commentform" >
<button name="submit"  type="submit" id="submit" onmouseover="email();" >Submit Comment</button>

Then i have the following javascript code for email function

   function email(){
   $('document').ready(function (){
      var name=$('#author').val();
      var userEmail=$('#email').val();
      var phone=$('#url').val();
      var subject=$('#subject').val();
      var comment=$('#comment').val();
      var submit=$('#submit').val();
      var form={
    var array="Ta kena pedia einai: ";
    for (var item in form) {
         return item;

When i click the submit button the function not working and i have the following error in the console
Uncaught TypeError: email is not a function
at HTMLButtonElement.onmouseover

What is the problem and how i can fix it?

Do you have jQuery loaded?

Thanks Dormilich about the answer.I find a solution and this was so simple.The only that i change is the name of the function from email() to another().

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