Translation issue

Good morning

I would like to be able to translate certain elements of my page but I don’t know how because I use this site:

for my search for example I would like to be able to indicate search in the “Search” location

Do you have any idea because I looked in the manual and I don’t see how to do it?

                $(document).ready(function() {
                    $('#example').DataTable( {
                        "scrollY":         "500px",
                        "scrollCollapse": true,
                        "paging":         false
                } );
 <script src=""></script>
 <script src=""></script>


It’s explained here in the documentation:

The language setting is detailed here:

and you can load Internationalisation plug-ins

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ok thank you very much

I’m looking at my how-to’s because I already have a script, what exactly should I add to translate into French?

my existing script

                $(document).ready(function() {
                    $('#example').DataTable( {
                        "scrollY":         "500px",
                        "scrollCollapse": true,
                        "paging":         false
                } );

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