I’m on a shared server with PHP5 my files are encoded in UTF-8. I developed the site in html first and it checks out fine in the browser. I used php for simple file includes and now I am seeing a strange space at the top of my pages (until it’s refreshed). Doing some research I have found that UTF-8 Files are usually encoded with BOM (some characters in front of the file) which causes extra space at the top of the page. I have tried to convert my files to UTF-8 without BOM but it’s not solving the problem. I’ve since come across the following fix but I don’t understand what the php code should be?
FIX: “for people using PHP on windows or others hosting on a shared public webserver, there are other workarounds: the first line in your PHP code should be a comment with a Unicode-character inside, like german “Umlaute”, for example. then you save this file as UTF-8 without BOM. the editor should now recognize the special character as UTF-8 encoded and switch to the right encoding.”
Can someone translate?