Transfer entire WordPress website to a new domain name on a different host?

Is there any straightforward way of transferring an entire Wordpress
website to a completely different domain name please? So from to

Perhaps even better for our requirements would be to transfer it to a
folder on a different domain name. So from to

The two domain names are on different webhosts.

Thanks very much.

  1. Copy all files (download contents of your current site folder to your local machine, then upload to new host)
  2. Make a dump of your database (go to phpMyAdmin, select database, then open Export tab and make export to sql file).
  3. Import dump to the new database (go to phpMAdmin on the new host, create database, go to Import tab and select your sql file)
  4. Change database credentials (host, name, user and password) in Wordpress config file (wp-config.php) to the new ones.

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