Thread History

When in my profile, how far back can I go to see threads that I have created or participated in?

Does it show everything, or does it chop things off somewhere?

Fairly certain it will let you go back as far as you want (at least as far back as we imported data from). Mine goes to Apr 2012.

Oh, okay. Mine only goes back to 2015, and I thought I had been here longer than that.

I am going back and re-reading all of the things I have learned here at SitePoint, and just want to be sure I don’t miss anything! :smile:

Given that mikey_w wasn’t imported from vBulletin, it should show everything.

Ok, thanks.

(See, you all feel like life-long friends, and apparently it have only been a year or two!) :blush:

Yes - I wonder why it would seem so much longer? But don’t just take our word for it.


Because I have no sense of time…

It is probably part of failing memory due to old age - you’ll find out about that some day!

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