This works in IE9, 10, 11, but not IE8

This video-js video player code, on a web page, plays the MP4 successfully in IE 9, 10, 11

 <video id="_1200k.mp4" class="video-js vjs-default-skin"
preload="none" width="445" height="340" controls
poster="[var.thumb_file]" data-setup='{techOrder: [‘flash’,’html5’}'>
<source src="[var.video_play]" type='video/mp4' />

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

The video tag is not supported in IE8

Are many of your visitors actually using IE8?

Browser usage Global 2.33%

When it comes to video-js and IE8 - it should instead use video-js.swf to serve the video via flash instead.
Having said that though, there are a few video issues with IE8, for example:

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