This weekend I finished my first real design project and was wondering if you can provide feedback

The application is a simple and compact web client to view people’s runescape skills levels. You can see a working demo at An example username is peteblack.

I spend a lot of time at the layout and the icons. I am quite satisfied with the final product, however I still think a lot things can be improved on the UI/UX.

One of the hardest part I think was selecting the header color. I am stil not happy with the current header color. What kind rules do you guys for selecting a header color?

Another hard thing for me was trying to fit so much information in such a small space. I was wondering if someone could suggest an alternative to the current 2 column layout with a scrollbar?

Thank you for your time and feedback :smile:

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With a grey background image like that, a single color on an element would be quite effective. Honestly, any color would do—say even a gentle pastel red, green or violet.[quote=“srb97, post:1, topic:214685”]
I was wondering if someone could suggest an alternative to the current 2 column layout with a scrollbar?

It looks OK to me, to be honest, but I have nothing against normal page scrolling. Single-column sites are pretty popular now and very user-friendly, imho. Medium used to have a simple but attractive single-column list of latest articles, with a faint horizontal line between each item that appealed to me.

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