This used to work

Any suggestions?

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
var i = 0;var Speed =60;TextInput = new Object();TotalTextInput = 7;
TextInput[0]= "    You a Cool One!    You a COOL ONE!    800 884 2204               800 884 2204                 800 884 2204                                    ";
TextInput[1]= "    Walk In Refrigerators @ 800 884 2204            800 884 2204            800 884 2204            800 884 2204                                  ";
TextInput[2]= "Why pay more for: Walk Ins???   Call us at: 800 884 2204             800 884 2204            800 884 2204                                         ";
TextInput[3]= "DON'T PAY MORE for Walk In Freezers!!!             Call Now! 800 884 2204             DON'T PAY MORE!!!                                           ";
TextInput[4]= "   Call Now! 800 884 2204         Call Now! 800 884 2204          Call Now! 800 884 2204        Call Now! 800 884 2204                            ";
TextInput[5]= "We ship anywhere in the World!!!  ANYWHERE . . . ANYTIME . . . ANYBODY!      Call Now! 800 884 2204                                               ";
TextInput[6]= "  Call Now! 800 884 2204          Call Now! 800 884 2204          Call Now! 800 884 2204        Call Now! 800 884 2204                            ";
TextInput[7]= "Make your dealer's profit. . . YOUR PROFIT!    Call Now! 800 884 2204         800 884 2204         800 884 2204                                   ";
var TextNumber = -1;var HelpText = "";var WaitSpace=""; for (i =0; i <= TotalTextInput; i++) { TextInput[i] += WaitSpace; }
var TimerID; var TimerSet = false;
function startBanner(form) { if (!TimerSet) { TimerSet = true; banner(); } }
function banner() { Text=rollMessage(); TimerId = setTimeout("banner()", Speed); window.status=Text;  }function rollMessage() { Wait=false; if (HelpText.substring((i++)-1,i) == " ") { i++; } 
if (i >= HelpText.length+1) { i=0; if (TextNumber >= TotalTextInput) { TextNumber = 0 ; } else { TextNumber++; } initBanner(); } Text = HelpText.substring(0,i); return (Text); }function initBanner() { Text = TextInput[TextNumber]; HelpText = Text; startBanner(); }startBanner();
<script language="JavaScript"> 
var SymRealOnLoad;
var SymRealOnUnload;
function SymOnUnload()
{ = SymWinOpen;
  if(SymRealOnUnload != null)
function SymOnLoad()
  if(SymRealOnLoad != null)
     SymRealOnLoad(); = SymRealWinOpen;
  SymRealOnUnload = window.onunload;
  window.onunload = SymOnUnload;
SymRealOnLoad = window.onload;
window.onload = SymOnLoad;
<STYLE type="text/css"> 
 BODY     {scrollbar-3dlight-color:#00FFFF;

I’m a little hesitant to ask, but what used to work?

Thank You Chris.
That used to scroll across the bottom of the page.
Why the hesitation?

There’s something odd going on here, all I can see are the words “Any suggestions?”. I can’t what “this” might be. It’s a bit like receiving an email with a missing attachment - there’s know way of knowing what the sender is referring to.

What used to scroll across the bottom of the page? I think you left something out of your question.

I’ve formatted the code properly.

1 Like


Each of the Lines after the Textimput.

The use of window.status has been disabled in most good web browsers, as it was possible to mislead people by showing false information down there.

You might be able to achieve a similar effect though by fixing a div element to the bottom of the screen.

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