Thesis topic on web development

Hello, everyone,

I am a final year student in university in a Computer Science program and I have to write a bachelor’s thesis. I was wondering if you have any suggestions for thesis topics on web development/front-end development/web technologies?

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Frontend Development has become full blown Software Engineering

Or something like that. Better wording of course. I suck at formal wording.

Frontend has been viewed as closer to art than engineering for a long time. For most of the time the web has been around, frontend has been seen as simple and something that could be put together by someone with limited knowledge of basic software development. You could basically take a picture and cut it up in Dreamweaver and publish it to the web and call it a day. Or for applications, just some tables the backend engineer threw together to display their data.

This has changed in the last few years to where frontend is a fully functional application by itself, only pulling specific pieces of data from the backend when needed. This requires knowledge of all the same core CS concepts and development patterns that traditionally have been reserved to backend or systems engineering. Reusable components, reusable libraries, abstraction, good design patterns, and things like that are all very important for a modern frontend engineer to know and understand and the days of being a “designer slash web developer” are fading. Especially as WASM begins to take off, you’re going to see frontend continue to be taken more seriously and be treated with more care.


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