Theme Came With A Blog Template-How do I alter?

I am very new to WordPress and have kinda learned the basics. I have a theme that came with a set of layouts and I don’t know how to alter them. When I open the page entitled “Blog” there is no information there.

As you can see I am a total novice…


OK, it might be good first to describe wat you have done to get where you are now. I.E. How did you install WP, where is it installed, etc.

I have purchased the theme. I am now attempting to input information in it. When I go to the Dashboard, under pages there is a pre designed page entitled “Blog”. When you preview the page, the template is already in place. I am trying to figure out how to put my posts in the Designer’s template. I have no idea where the information is pulling from.

Thank you for your response.

Every theme can be different, but it sounds like you are talking about Page Templates. You can create posts and post categories by clicking on the Posts menu from the dashboard. You can then create a new page with the Blog template. When creating that page, you should see some options for what post categories to include on that blog page. Hope that helps.

Okay, after rereading your posts several times (been working on site all day so mind is slowing down) I think I understand.

  1. I need to first create my posts
  2. I then need to create a page with the blog template (i.e. name it something like Potato)
  3. Once in the Potato page, I need to select what post categories I want to include. Is it only categories that I choose? Or posts as well?
  4. Then, the “Potato” page will display whatever posts I created in step 1.

Is this a correct understanding?? I have other pre-designed templates like Timeline and Sitemap and as I create new pages/posts they show up there.

Yes, it sounds like you are understanding correctly. For your question in #3, you can probably select categories or post tags. It depends on the theme and template.

Thanks for the help WebEminence. I will try this out and see if it works. I might just get the hang of this after all.