The first SVG here is not clickable, what did I do wrong?


            <svg class="alpha" width="198" height="198" viewbox="8.5 -12.2 7 48.49">
              <g id="play">
                <path d="M16.036 11.58l-6-3.82a.5.5 0 0 0-.77.42v7.64a.498.498 0 0 0 .77.419l6-3.817c.145-.092.23-.25.23-.422s-.085-.33-.23-.42z" />
                <path d="M12 22.75C6.072 22.75 1.25 17.928 1.25 12S6.072 1.25 12 1.25 22.75 6.072 22.75 12 17.928 22.75 12 22.75zm0-20C6.9 2.75 2.75 6.9 2.75 12S6.9 21.25 12 21.25s9.25-4.15 9.25-9.25S17.1 2.75 12 2.75z" />
            <svg class="alpha" width="198" height="198" viewbox="8.5 -12.2 7 48.49">
              <use xlink:href="#play" />

Hi there asasass,

try removing the first instance of class="alpha" in your code. :winky:


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