The database's size?

when i used phpmyadmin to backup my database,i found in phpmyadmin,the dababase’s size is 8.4 MB.but i backed it to the local,its size is 10 MB,why they are different ?

I don’t know about MySQL, but some database systems will pre-allocate hard drive space based on growth rules.


The difference will probably be the size of the index for the database.

i can’t understand what you have said.

Run this query, it should explain it a bit better.

SELECT concat( table_schema,  '.', table_name ) table_name, concat( round( data_length /  ( 1024 *1024  ) , 2  ) ,  'M'  ) data_length, concat( round( index_length /  ( 1024 *1024  ) , 2  ) ,  'M'  ) index_length, concat( round( round( data_length +  index_length )  / ( 1024 *1024  ) , 2  ) ,  'M'  ) total_size
FROM information_schema.TABLES
WHERE table_schema =  '#database_name#'

Substitute #database_name# for the name of whatever database you want to find out how big it is (the sizes given are in MB).