Text to Speech

The text to speech: Artificial voice creation that looks natural.
I think Python will be involved in such creations or algorithms. Does SSML also have some connection with this?

If anyone has insight can he/she share the information?

Any other technologies/languages that is intertwined in such technology writeups?

Have you looked at https://responsivevoice.org/?

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Sir, thanks for your Input, but that is the end finished product. what if we want to build such independent technology w/o using 3rd party API?

Are you asking whether anyone knows of a text-to-speech program that is in the process of being programmed that will be free?

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That may be a better way to say: Open source. Or would it be possible to write such AI in Python by using some existing library.

@coothead has a good demo on his site


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Does that mean this feature is inbuilt in JS?

If you look under the bonnet, it looks as though he uses the tool I gave you. In fact, you don’t need to look at the source code - he says so on the page itself.

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