Text in Video Tag

Hello Everyone!

I’m adding some videos to my website, and as I looked at example code from other people, I saw that many of them had text inside the video tag. A lot of it was along the lines of “This video isn’t supported in your browser.” Here is what the code looked like.

<video> <source src="someLink"> This video isn't supported in your browser! </video>

Does this text display when the browser doesn’t support the VIDEO TAG or the actual VIDEO? I just want to know what prompts it to appear.

Thank you!

Hi there Alan_Raterink,

the text appears if the “video element” is not supported. :sunglasses:


Is there a way to ensure that all of my viewers will be able to use the

Hi there Alan_Raterink,

personally, life is too short for me to be worrying about legacy browsers. :mask:

I am very aware of the grim reaper’s icy breath on the back of my neck. :cold_sweat:

I would suggest that you use this link…

polyfill for video element

…for dinosaur assistance. :sunglasses:


I always find this a useful site for advice on such issues: http://html5please.com/#video

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