
At last Chrome (87) supports text-decoration-thickness and text-underline-offset.

Firefox and Safari have supported these attributes for over a year, and it seems that Google has been working on this for more than 2 years.

I for one have always thought that browsers’ text underline was ugly. Too close to the text itself, and browsers are inconsistent as to the thickness of the underline.

No longer is it necessary to use a work-round such as border-bottom or box-shadow.



Interesting but inconsistence always were present :slight_smile:

…and if you want to annoy people you can animate some of the properties :slight_smile:


This is good news. Any update is a good thing.

Even if not all users like it, I like that there is a choice. Some updates I don’t even notice until they become necessary. For example, I didn’t even know it was possible to download and install a font until I needed it for my work project. This is the case when I learned that you can generally download fonts and install them on your computer. I needed to use the Knockout font in the project, so I had to learn all this.