Testing using fake object [Error: Class not found]

I have a Router class which have 3 params: the pattern, the callback, and the http method.
If the callback is ControllerDispatch object, it will call the controller and execute the action.

I don’t know how to test it.
This is my piece of code

public function testControllerDispatch()
	$controller = new Routeria\Tests\FakeController;
	$this->collection->addRoute(new Route('/testController/{id:int}', new ControllerDispatch($controller, 'fakeMethod')));
	$request = $this->getMockBuilder('\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request')
	$this->expectOutputString('Hello user id: 55');


All the test is in the test directory as shown as the picture below… The FakeController is also included

And, this is the bootstrap file

 $loader = require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
 $loader->add('Routeria\Tests', __DIR__);


This is my FakeController

namespace Routeria\Tests;

class FakeController
	public function fakeMethod($fakeID)
		echo 'Hello user id: '.$fakeID;


This is my phpunit.xml.dist

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<phpunit backupGlobals="false"
    <testsuite name="Routeria Testing">


Why don’t it works ?
It says “Fatal Error Class ‘Routeria\Tests\FakeController’ not found”
Please help

So what’s the difference between FakeController and DispatcherTest? What does autoload.php do?

Dispatcher Test is just a dispatcher test :wink:
It runs the test for class Dispatcher (I use PHPUnit)
In one of the tests, I test whether it will call the controller method.
And, that functionality is given by ControllerDispatch.
The ControllerDispatch has 3 parameters, which are the controller object, the method to call, and the optional arguments.
Then, I pass the ControllerDispatch as the second parameter of Route.
In that test, I want to test if it calls FakeController’s fakeMethod().
But, what happens is it doesn’t find the FakeController.

Autoload.php is just composer autoload with psr-4

Well, all i can say is this:

Why do you need to say new Routeria\Tests\FakeController, when everything below is just “new Route” and “new ControllerDispatch”. Should you not simply be saying “new FakeController()” ? or if you’re trying to access a namespace that isnt a subnamespace of the current namespace, \Routeria\Tests\FakeController? (I dont know what the namespace of your test code is)

I’ve uploaded the code to my git : https://github.com/terryds/routeria
Please help… I’ve tried everything, but the test failed with Class FakeController not found

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