Targeting anchor with controller

Situation 1
This code goes through my bootstrap and produces the expected page:

Situation 2
I understand why this code throws a fatal error (file doesn’t exit - I get that):

Situation 3
When I type “” into the URL, AFTER the page has been rendered, the page dutifully scrolls down to the a5 id.

What’s the difference between the second and third situation?

Hi @nichemtktg,

Your anchor should be at the end of the URL.
I’m not knowledgeable with your code however I think for point number 2 you should have checkIndividualPricesPostSetups/index#c5 instead of checkIndividualPricesPostSetups#c5/index.

Edit: However I’m not sure how much sense it makes to render that page with the anchor as the anchor is used in the browser’s URL to jump to a particular section of the page and not sure what you’re expecting to happen when you tell your page to render with an anchor

Hope that helps,


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When you type “” into a browser, the browser strips off the #c5 and send the rest to the server which is handled by situation 1 in your question.

A full page is generated and sent back to the browser. The browser renders it and then scrolls to id=c5.

So your php code never sees the anchors.

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Boy that was a rabbit hole and a testament to owning your code!

I got stuck on thinking the URL was coming from my controller when it was, in fact, coming from a form on the previous page.

Thanks to Andres_Vaquero and ahundiak for their time and interest in code!


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