Target entry in RSS

I have 2 images elements in an RSS and i’m struggling to target them.

<?xml version="1.0"  encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0">
    <title>RSS title</title>
    <description>description goes here</description>
        <title>Title of post</title>
        <ContentItem Href="">
              <MediaType FormalName="Pictureport" />
              <MimeType FormalName="image/jpg" />
              <Property FormalName="caption" value="Image caption" />
        <ContentItem Href="">
              <MediaType FormalName="Pictureport" />
              <MimeType FormalName="image/jpg" />
              <Property FormalName="caption" value="Image caption" />

If i want to grab the title it’s simply

$RSS_DOC = simpleXML_load_file($feed_url);
$rss_title = $RSS_DOC->channel->item->title;
echo $rss_title

but how do i grab the image url? tried a couple of combinations but can’t put my finger on it. I need to grab both images into separate variables.

Nevermind i’ve managed it
