Or use some kind of ‘new window’ mini icon.
It can be done easily enough using css to add padding and an offset background image for external links with either a specific class or within a certain container div.
I wouldn’t consider the title attribute to be enough on its own as most people don’t tend to linger on links long enough and don’t always read the info in the tooltip.
Similarly, most newbies aren’t even aware of the options available in right-click, so although they may actually prefer to have external links open in new windows, it can’t be relied upon that the user already knows how to get what they want from their browsing experience.
I feel the best option is to implement a javascript target switcher to allow users to choose whether external links open in new windows or not.
I adapted the ‘new windows in a compliant world’ method for use with the diary/events listings on my NPA site.
I set no target in the markup, but use js to set it to _blank by default.
The choice is clear, as is how to change it.
The switcher itself is also written into the page using js, so users without js aren’t presented with a switcher that doesn’t work.
Here’s the gubbins from my js file:
// - - - - - - - - - NEW WINDOWS
function extLinkOn() {
function extLinkOff() {
function extLinks(targetVal) {
if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return;
var anchors =
aLength = anchors.length;
for(var i=0; i < aLength; i++) {
if (anchors[i].href) {
anchors[i].target = targetVal;
window.onload = extLinkOn;
function checkTargets() {
(document.getElementById('targetbox').checked == true) ? extLinkOn() : extLinkOff() ;
function doLinkTarget() {
document.write("<form action=\\"\\"><div><input type=\\"checkbox\\" id=\\"targetbox\\" onclick=\\"checkTargets()\\" checked=\\"checked\\" />Open links in new Window</div></form>");
// - - - - - - - - - NEW WINDOWS
Placing the switcher in your markup:
<script type="text/javascript">doLinkTarget()</script>
msiruit, it’s typical for blockers to block popups triggered automatically (e.g. via onload, …), but I don’t know of any 3rd-party or native blockers that block popups triggered by manual user events such as onclick.
Does the blocker that you’re referring to block manually-triggered popups?