Superfish Menu Jump

Hello. I have implemented superfish on a site. It works fine with Firefox, but with Safari and Chrome loading a new page causes the submenu to show briefly then disappear. This causes the page to jump.

I have tried to alleviate this with CSS to no avail. Is it something in the Javascript that is causing this jump? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I viewed the page in Safari 5 and Firefox 6 on Mac OS X and don’t see any difference in the display or the menu. Are you testing on a PC that you see the errors or has it been fixed?

I am using a Mac OS and the issue shows itself with a Windows as well. When the page loads for a brief, brief moment you can see the submenu appear then disappear. This happens when clicking on say ‘Case Studies’ then clicking to another page like ‘FAQ’. I see this occurring in only Safari and Chrome.

Nevermind I figured it out. Thank you for your attention.

Glad to hear. For those that may run in to similar problems and find this thread, what did you do?