Strange problem with font color in a text input placeholder text

the boxes (which are text boxes with placeholder) should be color:#eee, instead I’m getting #666

for the second row of text boxes, just for testing, I set at the text color at red, which works fine, but when I set it to either #eee or #fff I get #666


( color:#eee is working fine also for the checkbox labels… don’t get what prob is for the text boxes…)

would appreciate suggestions…

thank you…

Are u using the placeholder css prefix?


::-webkit-input-placeholder {
   color: #eee;

:-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 18- */
   color: #eee;

::-moz-placeholder {  /* Firefox 19+ */
   color: #eee;

:-ms-input-placeholder {
   color: #eee;

Yes, it looks like you are confusing the color of the placeholder text (set by default by the browser) and the actual input text. To color the placeholder text, try ReGGaeBOSS’ suggestion.

thank you Ralph…

yes I discovered this…

it-input-placeholder { color:#fff; }
::-moz-placeholder { color:#fff; } /* firefox 19+ */
:-ms-input-placeholder { color:#fff; } /* ie */
input:-moz-placeholder { color:#fff; } 

but even if I set it to white the placeholder text is darker…


Your CSS isn’t valid, you should have the same thing that ReGGaeBOSS posted apart from the colour being different.


I got it from here,

ok, copied code ReGGaeBOSS posted… this is my code now…

::-webkit-input-placeholder {   color: #eee;}
:-moz-placeholder {color: #eee;    }
::-moz-placeholder {    color: #eee;  }
:-ms-input-placeholder {     color: #eee;  }

it’s still not working…:frowning:

thank you…

Its working fine for me in Chrome now, also when I said your CSS was invalid I was referring to what you had posted above and what was in your page source, in were missing the webk from the WebKit placeholder selector.

yep… it’s working now in Chrome… thank you…

(but not FF… :frowning: )

thank you…

Didn’t you want your place-holder text to be white not grey? Currently its #eee which is the opposite to what you originally had above.