BBC News - Apple boss Steve Jobs to be replaced by Tim Cook
Huge news for Apple fans, with many speculating a severe drop in shares and confidence in the company.
It’s a shame to see him go, especially on what would seem like health grounds.
BBC News - Apple boss Steve Jobs to be replaced by Tim Cook
Huge news for Apple fans, with many speculating a severe drop in shares and confidence in the company.
It’s a shame to see him go, especially on what would seem like health grounds.
Yes, big news, but he does seem to have been good at surrounding himself with like-minded, capable people, and it doesn’t seem he’s been playing a big role for quite a while now. Hasn’t he been on sick leave all year?
It’s hard to say whether all the innovations over the last decade have been the product of Jobs’ mind or not. If it is all down to him, this could be the beginning of the end, but I doubt it.
I agree with Ralph. I highly doubt the success of the company depends on Jobs’. I do think, however, that shares and general trust in the company may decline until this Cooks’ fellow proves himself.
Steve Jobs has been ill for quite a while now so I would have thought that he’d have introduced some sort of five or ten year plan for Apple, so his influence will be there for years to come still (especially as he’ll still be a part of day-to-day operations).
The main issue for me is that a lot of people who own Apple stock are personally invested in Apple products. This is evident in that a poor MacWorld where Steve Jobs is not giving the keynote presentation will result in a fall in shares, whereas a good one will make shares soar. I cannot help but think that those who are fiscally aware will wake up this morning, panic and get their shares out because, wait for it, other people have panicked and want their shares out.
Apple have the upper hand in the market at the moment, but we’ll soon see how effective Apple as a company is five years down the line when Steve Jobs will likely retire altogether. Don’t forget that Steve Jobs rescued Apple in his second stint there, and as it sounds he won’t be there to help them through any potential problems this time.
And the other view is perhaps what a great share BUYING opportunity for what is probably an undervalued stock. I was a shareholder but sold mine a few days ago (more by luck than judgement, I might add!)
Well, if you’ve got shares in Samsung or HTC it may be time to get them out and put your money back in Apple. All of Apple’s mobile competitors experienced a sharp rise in stock while Apple went down 7-8%.
For me, the most important aspect of this story isn’t Apple, it’s Steve Jobs. There will be a lot of hurtful news judging the company and how they’ll survive, but what needs to be highlighted is the man himself.
Love or hate Apple, no one can deny that Steve Jobs is one of the best entrepreneurs and tech leaders of our time, and the turn-around Apple has experienced since the company made the strange move of making the iPod has been nothing short of incredible.
His resignation letter once again highlights his health concerns, and hopefully this change in career will allow Steve Jobs the time to recover and enjoy life.
I wish him well. Hope he gets well soon! And you guys talking about stock trading. Come on, show some respect…
I suspect this means his health is worse than we think. It seems like this guy lives & breaths Apple. It’s a major step for him to give it up.
It sounds like he’s still going to be involved as the chairman of the board.
I think the man is really sick. I wish him well and hope he gets better. I was looking forward to him walking out on stage to say “just one more thing” and reveal the new iPhone 5. Ohhh… gonna miss that!
Most people think Jobs is responsible for Apple design, where as it’s actually Johnathon Ive that is responsible for the hardware of the ipod/iphone etc
I guess it is only natural that he had to go. He’s been having serious health problems for such a long time! Still, he’s charismatic and it was really part of the brand, the face of Apple. Shame that he has to leave due to health issues and not because he simply wants to enjoy life.
to be frank, when I head of this news at first time , i feel a little pity
I’m kind of an anti-Apple fan, so this made me kind of happy. However, I do wish it was something that was his fault, not because of health reasons. That sucks and it’s rather unfair.
I would like to add to that you shouldn’t underestimate the value of a good CEO. He doesn’t do any of the actual building, but I’m sure he has his hands in a lot of pots and is directly involved in the success of many of the products. Without him (even if he’s acting as chairman of the board), it’s going to hurt Apple.
The CEO is directly involved in a lot of things. The chairman of the board is a lot less… in many ways they essentially just say “you’re doing good” or “you’re doing bad, fix it”, but aren’t involved in as much day to day activity.
Are there any interview with Tim Cook (Jobs’ successor) out, since Jobs announced his resignment?
I think we all know where this is going, so sad.
steve jobs is apple, i hope he gets better
The man may have been a hard nosed leader. But that is what Apple needed in the late 90’s. Steve came in, streamlined all aspects of the company and said this is the way it is going to be. To some that is being an ass; all business minded people that is being a leader. To the point that even Google wanted Steve as their only CEO choice. This man had a brilliant career and finally got the recognition he deserved in the past decade.
very sad day. i hope he still have even a small part in apple, because without him it won’t be the same…
A little saddened by this - but not worried. Apple will continue on and be the dominating force it is today for a very, very long time.