State of HTML Survey

There is a new survey from the people who hold the annual “State of CSS” surveys, which looks to learn who knows what about frameworks, innovations, etc in CSS. It’s a great resource for you to see how well you’re keeping up with the latest in the industry.

Well, now they’ve done the same but focusing on HTML Go take it, see what you know and what you don’t. Then come back and share what you found interesting, even what you think shouldn’t be there.

EDIT: I’m taking it now, and there are additional markers during the survey. If you’ve used it, you can mark whether you’d use it again. If you’ve never used it, you can mark whether it’s something you’d be interested in, whether you’ve heard of it or not.


Well, this is embarassing…of the 131 features, I had only used 45 and heard of five others.

One thing that I found unclear - I used the “interested” button thinking I’d get more info at the end. Apparently you have to use the + to get a reading list for you to follow up later.


Haha, I’ve only used 28, and that was a stretch. (Heard of 15 more.) The lovely thing about HTML (and CSS) is that you don’t need many tools to create a lot of nice stuff online. KISS. I’ll leave all the fancy stuff to the cool kids.


I don’t think you’re alone :slight_smile:


I didn’t get far. I was depressed at the number of things I’d never heard of. :lol:

I’ll give it another go when I’m in a better mood.


Of the 131 features mentioned in the survey, you have used 44 and heard of 7 more, which puts you in the top 35% of all respondents. Well done!

I thought I clicked heard of on more than just 7. There are quite a few things I’ve seen/read about but haven’t really had a practical use for, or the browser support isn’t enough. There were a few interesting things I’d not heard of before though, like the Popover and Inert APIs.

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Yes about the same score as me. There’s just too much for one person to know it all these days.


Want to know irony? That video is where I found out about the survey :lol:


Of the 131 features mentioned in the survey, you have used 34 and heard of 5 more, which puts you in the top 53% of all respondents. Well done!

A bit embarrassed at how few I had heard of, but I saw some cool technologies that I definitely need to investigate more!


Yes I saw some good new things but the ones I liked have zero browser support. The selectlist is something people have wanted for about 20 years :slight_smile:


That was an eye opener for me as well :fist:


Ooof… I filled out the survey only to be greeted with a ton of code errors at the end submitting the survey. Crashed and sent a 504 Gateway timeout. Then I tried to reload my survey only to be greeted with…

"Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0"

Looks like someone needs to review their own surveys or something. Their whole site went offline it looks like.

Finally got my results after the site came back online… I used 45, knew 11 more. But I think the survey was a little skewed in the fact that they talked about some JS stuff and proposed things that have not been implemented yet. Smart devs know not to waste time with things that have not even been implemented yet because they will change or not even make it across the finish line. Wasted effort. :wink:


There are some items that are JavaScript, not HTML. At least they are the DOM. I think those items should be separate, at least somewhat separate. The following are most or all of them.

  • FormData API
  • DOM attribute-related methods
  • element-moving DOM methods
  • Imperative slot assignment
  • HTML Modules
  • File System Access API

As for pain points, I entered the following in various places.

  • HTML is device-dependent and device independence in CSS is cumbersome.
  • Originally HTML was a word-processing format. As a GUI it is cumbersome.
  • JavaScript is not HTML. There should be more flexible support of other scripting possibilities.
  • In a typical GUI, the program (script) executes first. In typical server-side web applications, unlike most GUIs, the processing is done within the HTML file.
  • Better support of help. Perhaps existing dialog features could be used but websites seldom provide much help.
  • As a non-programmer when I browse to sites the focus is not set to a single input field. There should be an easier way to set initial focus.

The last one in that list, about focus, might not be relevant. It might be that web application developers just do not add the small amount of code necessary to set focus.

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Thanks for sharing this resource! I’ll definitely check out the HTML survey from the folks behind the “State of CSS” surveys. Keeping up with the latest trends and innovations in web development is crucial, and these surveys provide valuable insights into the industry.

I’ll take the HTML survey and see how well I fare. It’ll be interesting to discover any gaps in my knowledge and learn about new developments in HTML. I’ll make sure to come back and share my findings, including anything that surprises me or seems out of place in the survey.