Spitting string of javascript code into tokens

To start with my PHP is pretty poor.

My goal is to take a javascript code block (string format) and wrap strings, comments, keywords, built-ins etc in span tags with the appropriate class name. I want to do some colouring in :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I need to be able to isolate those parts, so for instance I don’t want keywords matching ‘this’ in a string, or ‘for’ in a comment. Order seems to be important here.

I’m looking at preg_split which is actually doing quite a nice job. The downside though is I need that little bit of extra data in the form of a classname — a tuplet I think it is what I am after.

So instead of getting this

  string(5) "const"
  string(6) " x =  "
  string(2) "10"

I end up with something like this

  array(2) ["const", "js_keyword"]
  array(1) [" x =  "]
  array(2) ["10", "js_number"]

I’m thinking preg_split isn’t goint to cut it, preg_split_callback might have been nice, but it illustrates where I am going with this.

In the end, I want to re-assemble with something like array_reduce, wrapping the returned strings in spans if index 1 exists.

This is a sample of what I am playing with


$codeTypes = [
    'js_string' => '((["\'`])[^\2]+?\2)',
    'js_comment' => '((?<!:)\/\/.*|\/\*[\s\S]+\*\/)',

    'js_keyword' => '(\babstract\b|\barguments\b|\bawait\b|\bboolean\b|\bbreak\b|\bbyte\b|\bcase\b|\bcatch\b|\bchar\b|\bclass(?!=)\b|\bconst\b|\bcontinue\b|\bdebugger\b|\bdefault\b|\bdelete\b|\bdo\b|\bdouble\b|\belse\b|\benum\b|\beval\b|\bexport\b|\bextends\b|\bfalse\b|\bfinal\b|\bfinally\b|\bfloat\b|\bfor\b|\bfunction\b|\bgoto\b|\bif\b|\bimplements\b|\bimport\b|\bin\b|\binstanceof\b|\bint\b|\binterface\b|\blet\b|\blong\b|\bnative\b|\bnew\b|\bnull\b|\bpackage\b|\bprivate\b|\bprotected\b|\bpublic\b|\breturn\b|\bshort\b|\bstatic\b|\bsuper\b|\bswitch\b|\bsynchronized\b|\bthis\b|\bthrow\b|\bthrows\b|\btransient\b|\btrue\b|\btry\b|\btypeof\b|\bvar\b|\bvoid\b|\bvolatile\b|\bwhile\b|\bwith\b|\byield\b)'

$sampleHtml = <<<END
        const x = 10 // the number 10
        const entries = Object.entries({x: 2, y: 6})
        for(let i = 0; i < x; i++) {
            if (i % 2 == 0) console.log('this i is even')
            this is a 
            comment block
            not an Object
        const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.my-elements') // a 'string'

        class MyClass {

            constructor(x, y) {
                this.x = x;
                this.y = y

var_dump(preg_split('/' . implode('|', $codeTypes) . '/', $sampleHtml, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE));


array(31) {
  string(8) "        "
  string(5) "const"
  string(8) " x = 10 "
  string(17) "// the number 10
  string(9) "
  string(5) "const"
  string(59) " entries = Object.entries({x: 2, y: 6})
  string(3) "for"
  string(1) "("
  string(3) "let"
  string(35) " i = 0; i < x; i++) {
  string(2) "if"
  string(26) " (i % 2 == 0) console.log("
  string(16) "'this i is even'"
  string(1) "'"
  string(22) ")
  string(92) "/*
            this is a 
            comment block
            not an Object
  string(10) "
  string(5) "const"
  string(38) " elements = document.querySelectorAll("
  string(14) "'.my-elements'"
  string(1) "'"
  string(2) ") "
  string(14) "// a 'string'
  string(11) "

  string(5) "class"
  string(63) " MyClass {

            constructor(x, y) {
  string(4) "this"
  string(25) ".x = x;
  string(4) "this"
  string(32) ".y = y

I am aware of highlightJS, some very clever coding, but I have got my teeth into this now and it saves that extra dependency.

Advice would be appreciated.

I think I might have done it?! Using the same regex for split inside preg_replace_callback and checking against which capture matched.

$parts = preg_split('/' . implode('|', $codeTypes) . '/', $sampleHtml, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

$result = preg_replace_callback(
    '/' . implode('|', $codeTypes) . '/', 
    function ($matches) {
        $classNames = ['', 'js_string', '', 'js_comment', 'js_keyword'];
        foreach($matches as $index => $match) {
            if ($matches[$index] && $classNames[$index]) {
                return "<span class='$classNames[$index]'>$matches[$index]</span>";
        // if no matches to type just return string as is
        return $matches[0];

echo implode('', $result);


        <span class='js_keyword'>const</span> x = 10 <span class='js_comment'>// the number 10
        <span class='js_keyword'>const</span> entries = Object.entries({x: 2, y: 6})
        <span class='js_keyword'>for</span>(<span class='js_keyword'>let</span> i = 0; i < x; i++) {
            <span class='js_keyword'>if</span> (i % 2 == 0) console.log(<span class='js_string'>'this i is even'</span>')
        <span class='js_comment'>/*
            this is a 
            comment block
            not an Object
        <span class='js_keyword'>const</span> elements = document.querySelectorAll(<span class='js_string'>'.my-elements'</span>') <span class='js_comment'>// a 'string'

        <span class='js_keyword'>class</span> MyClass {

            constructor(x, y) {
                <span class='js_keyword'>this</span>.x = x;
                <span class='js_keyword'>this</span>.y = y

If there is a more elegant solution, or some refactoring I would be interested. Thanks.


The lack of lexical scoping, in particular for accessing functions is driving me nuts. Is there a better way to avoid this sort of thing?

function ($matches) use ($splitCodeToParts, $addSpansToCode, $regex_codetypes_combined)

For instance I’m having to shunt $addSpansToCode up to the preg_replace_callback inside $formatCodeWithin

$regex_codetypes_combined = '/' . implode('|', $regex_codetypes) . '/';

$addSpansToCode = function(array $code_parts, string $regex_codetypes_combined) {

    $spanned_code_parts = preg_replace_callback(
        function ($matches) {

            $classnames = ['', 'js_string', '', 'js_comment', 'js_number', 'js_keyword', 'js_builtin'];

            foreach($matches as $index => $match) {

                if ($matches[$index] && $classnames[$index]) {
                    return "<span class='$classnames[$index]'>$matches[$index]</span>";

            return $matches[0];
    // combine and return spanned code parts
    return implode('', $spanned_code_parts);

$formatCodeWithin = function(string $html) use ($regex_codetypes_combined, $addSpansToCode) {

    // isolate code blocks from rest of html
    $regex_codeblock = "/(<code[^>]*>)([\s\S]+?)(<\/code>)/m";

    $splitCodeToParts = fn($code) =>
        preg_split($regex_codetypes_combined, $code, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

    return preg_replace_callback(

        function ($matches) use ($splitCodeToParts, $addSpansToCode, $regex_codetypes_combined){

            [$match, $openTag, $code, $closedTag] = $matches;

            return $openTag . $addSpansToCode($splitCodeToParts($code), $regex_codetypes_combined) . $closedTag;

It makes it very difficult to keep functions short and sweet.


The only way to get rid of the scoping is to wrap it all in a class I’d say …

final class JsHighlighter
    public function highlight(string $code)
        // isolate code blocks from rest of html
        $regex_codeblock = "/(<code[^>]*>)([\s\S]+?)(<\/code>)/m";

        $splitCodeToParts = fn($code) =>
            preg_split($regex_codetypes_combined, $code, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

        return preg_replace_callback(

            function ($matches) use ($splitCodeToParts) {
                [$match, $openTag, $code, $closedTag] = $matches;

                return $openTag . $this->addSpansToCode($splitCodeToParts($code)) . $closedTag;

    private function addSpansToCode(array $code_parts)
        $spanned_code_parts = preg_replace_callback(
            function ($matches) {
                $classnames = ['', 'js_string', '', 'js_comment', 'js_number', 'js_keyword', 'js_builtin'];

                foreach ($matches as $index => $match) {
                    if ($matches[$index] && $classnames[$index]) {
                        return "<span class='$classnames[$index]'>$matches[$index]</span>";

                return $matches[0];
        // combine and return spanned code parts
        return implode('', $spanned_code_parts);

    private function getCombinedCodeTypes(): string
        return '/' . implode('|', $regex_codetypes) . '/';

You could even make all these methods static so you don’t have to instantiate the class first.

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Thanks for the code @rpkamp nice one :+1:

I had a feeling that maybe the answer. I will have a good look at that.

edit: Good name changes as well!!

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