Sortable problem

Hey guys

I posted a similar thread before, but now the question is different, it’s related to sortable

This is the code for the table:

$result = $conn->query("SELECT query, link, pro,pro_update,ana,ana_update,cell,cell_update,cellother,cellother_update,gen,gen_update,genother,genother_update,author,author_update,other,other_update,date,id
FROM mailing_list
WHERE email = '$email'
ORDER BY $order LIMIT $start_row, $max_per_page;");

echo "<table class=\\"sortable\\" id=\\"query_quick2\\" width=\\"100%\\" >\\r\
echo "\	<tr><th class=\\"sorttable_alpha\\" >Updated Query</th><th width=\\"10\\" class=\\"sorttable_alpha\\" >Link</th>
<th class=\\"sorttable_alpha\\" >Promoter Locus</th><th class=\\"sorttable_alpha\\" >Update</th>
<th class=\\"sorttable_alpha\\" >Anatomical Area</th><th class=\\"sorttable_alpha\\" >Update</th>
<th class=\\"sorttable_alpha\\" >Cell Type</th><th class=\\"sorttable_alpha\\" >Update</th>
<th class=\\"sorttable_alpha\\" >Other Cell Type</th><th class=\\"sorttable_alpha\\" >Update</th>
<th class=\\"sorttable_alpha\\" >Genetic Background</th><th class=\\"sorttable_alpha\\" >Update</th>
<th class=\\"sorttable_alpha\\" >Other Gen. Back.</th><th class=\\"sorttable_alpha\\" >Update</th>
<th class=\\"sorttable_alpha\\" >Author</th><th class=\\"sorttable_alpha\\" >Update</th>
<th class=\\"sorttable_alpha\\" >Other</th><th class=\\"sorttable_alpha\\" >Update</th>
<th class=\\"sorttable_mmdd\\" >Date</th><th class=\\"sorttable_nosort\\" ></th><th class=\\"sorttable_nosort\\" ></th>\\r\

while ($row = $result->fetch_array()){
$RowCount ++;
$row_color = ($RowCount % 2) ? $color1 : $color2;
echo "<form method = \\"post\\" action=\\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}\\">";
echo "\	<tr id=\\"{$row['id']}\\" class=\\"$row_color\\" >
<td><input type=\\"submit\\" name=\\"edit_mail\\" value = \\"Edit\\"/></td>
<td><input type =\\"hidden\\" name = \\"id\\" value=\\"{$row['id']}\\"/></td>
<td><input type=\\"submit\\" name=\\"delete_mail\\" value =\\"Delete\\"/></td>
echo "</form>";


echo "</table>";

This is an excerpt of the script which deletes the specific entry:

} elseif(isset($_SESSION['user_id']) AND isset($_POST['delete_mail'])){
//user is deleting existing queries
$id = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $_POST['id']);

$sql2 = "DELETE FROM mailing_list WHERE id='$id'";
$result = mysqli_query($connect, $sql2) or mysqli_error($conn);

$msgs[] = "Queries DELETED successfully.";
$body = "account.php";

I can delete the specific entry like usual at the beginning

but right AFTER i sort the table by clicking a column heading, say, promoter locus, (using sortable.js)

and then when i try to delete a specific entry, problem arises.

Instead of deleting the entry i want, it always deletes the LAST entry.

Now as you can see, i select a specific value for $id, using post method from a form

But shouldn’t the value of $id point to the entry i want to delete when i click the “delete” button near it? (i mean it works fine before i sort the table)

Any help would be greatly appreciated


You’re sorting with js? Does it sort the hidden fields as well?
Do a print_r of the $_POST array to see the data your form is sending.

In computer science, a sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements of a list in a certain order. The most-used orders are numerical order and lexicographical order.

And how does this address the OP’s problem?

Problem solved,

it turned out that I just needed to put <form>…</form> inside <tr>…</tr>

so no it’s not a problem with sortable.js

now i can delete whichever entry i want no matter how i sort the table
