I’ve created a new portfolio at www.daylidesign.com/RG. I’m using percentage widths and media queries to make it responsive, however the list items in the scrollable area that hold my presented projects are not staying in 2 columns as they should when the browser is resized.
Can anyone offer some insight? I’ve been tinkering for a couple hours now and I can’t seem to make it work.
One thing that would help is to remove the left margin on the odd boxes, and you have them floated right anyway. But your code is a bit hard to debug, as some of it is quite invalid. It’s not allowed to have a div between the <ul> and <li> elements, so I would recommend you remove those before doing anything else.
Thank you, I forgot to remove that margin. I originally floated them all left. I will try to a different way to display them so that it is not so invalid. Hopefully things start behaving differently.