Site Navigation and Speed very slow

Hi everyone, my site is very slow.

Can you please advise on how to improve the performance for the navigation and page load?


Once analyzed, you can see what’s taking up time upon page load. Looks like your images are taking a while to load. That’s majority of the time.

Ten style sheets and 30 scripts to render the home page:

Are they all required, and if so, can you at least combine them so there are fewer calls to the server?

Hi Leelium,

Here is an article that lists 8 opportunities to increase your page loading speed.

Good luck,


Hi thanks for the replies.

That’s great for the page loading speed, I will give it a try.

Regarding the browsing speed on the page though, have you got any suggestions?

Try these changes first (smaller / more optimized images, less scripts to run pages) then we can go from there and see what performance increase you get from that.

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Yeah, it’s going to be hard to pick out which things are causing which problems in “slowness” - fix what is found, if you can, and then re-assess and find more. That’s the best way of speed optimization I’ve found - keep making the adjustments that crop up until you can’t find any more, and then go back to the drawing board and ask for more help :wink:

Hi I’m trying to optimise the images but is for MacOs and I’m under windows.
Trimage website doesn’t work. Is there any other image optimizer out there?

Image editing software such as Photoshop, Fireworks or Gimp will allow you to do this.

(I no longer use Windows, but I remember using Irfanview, which was free and very easy to use. Unfortunately, I can’t remember if it featured optimisation; it was certainly great for batch-production of thumbnails.)

I’ve used photoshop for the images in the banner and they are all resized to the correct size.
I’ve also set Gzip compression for the various formats

As well as ensuring you reduce the dimensions of your images to the size at which you want them to display, you should also optimise them in other ways. The usual method is to reduce the quality of the jpg slightly, which will reduce file size with no noticeable loss of image quality. You can also do things like strip out EXIF data. That may only save a few KB per image, but a few KB x 21 can be a worthwhile saving.

Gzip will have little or no effect on images, if that’s what you mean, as most image formats are already compressed. But compressing HTML, CSS and JS is always good idea.

Please refer to the earlier post and review the article that we included as a link.

Also, we recommend using PageSpeed Insights. PageSpeed Insights will give you diagonistics and priority of what to focus on. PageSpeed Insights is mentioned in the article.

Is it built in Wordpress? If yes then that “Maybe” the issue for is slowness. If it is wordpress then look for a hoster who specialises on wordpress hosting or like I’m doing at the mo say good bye to wordpress and build it from the ground up, good luck!

Hi, I’ve had a look at that article that’s why I compressed. Images for the banners need to be high res and good quality as that’s the whole point so I’m not sure how to reduce it further.

Website is built in HTML and CSS, no CMS was used Nightwing.

Thanks web for the link but I already used that and did all I could with it.
I’m not sure about how to enable compression, Remove render-blocking JavaScript, Optimize CSS Delivery and Leverage browser caching

What I’m concerned about is the sluggishness when scrolling and moving up and down

It needs to be enabled on the server by your hosting company. In my experience on shared hosting, it usually is. Then you just need to set it in your .htaccess file:

SetOutputFilter DEFLATE

<FilesMatch "\.(js|css|html)$">
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE

Same for browser caching:

# Enable the mod_expires module
ExpiresActive On
# Set expiration date to 1 month for all style sheets and images
ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 1 month"
ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 1 month"
ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 month"
ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 1 month"
# Set expiration date to 1 week for all HTML pages
ExpiresByType text/html "access plus 1 week"
ExpiresByType application/xhtml+xml "access plus 1 week"

You can adjust those periods to suit. Basically, it’s saying that it’s OK to serve a week-old HTML page, or a month-old JavaScript, without the need to check for a fresh copy. It allows the browser to used cached pages, which are faster to load, and is a good idea if your site doesn’t change frquently.

[quote=“Leelium, post:14, topic:117859”]
Remove render-blocking JavaScript,
[/quote]Any JavaScript not required to render the page should be inserted just before the closing <body> tag, so that the script loading doesn’t slow the page rendering.

[quote=“Leelium, post:14, topic:117859”]
Optimize CSS Delivery
[/quote]As I said before, try to combine your multiple stylesheets into one or two, to reduce the number of requests to the server, and enable compression for CSS files (as above).

Does that help?

If it IS built on Wordpress, that advice is by and large a cop-out, in my book. There’s plenty of perfectly speedy WP sites out there.

AT a glance, what I see is a good measure of animation (and other JavaScripts whose purpose I do not know). The more demands you place on the CPU, the slower a site will run. The computer can only process commands “just so fast”. I would like to suggest that you try an experiment. With the exception of “critical/required” functions, disable as many animations and other JS functions as you can and see how the site performs. You may find that you have to consider a tradeoff between the ideal look and CPU hungry animation and an appealing user experience.

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