Hi all,
First - let me say thanks to those of you who volunteer to help answer questions in the forums!
I’m trying to get up to speed on RoR – not an advanced programmer, last language I really had a grasp on was ASP (original, not .NET edition) and as a system administrator I’ve done my share of vbscript for automating management tasks. So, I’m going through Simply Rails 2 and building the Shovell app.
But, it seems as though we’re up to Rails 3 already, and that some of the variances between Rails 2 and Rails 3 are pretty impactful. Some have been easy to sort out and build a translation for (i.e.: “ruby script/server” is now “rails server”) … but others seem like much more significant structural changes. Would I be correct in assuming that config/routes.rb is one of those instances?
When it came time to build a view and controller for adding a new story to shovell … is where things started to break for me, and I got the impression that sorting out the differences was not going to be simply looking up a syntax change. Are there any good tutorials on understanding the routing configuration in RoR, above and beyond the book? I’m hoping if I can get the general grasp of the concepts, I can adapt around where the book does things differently.
Thanks in advance…