Simple Page Redirect using JavaScript

Hello There! I’m a newbie at Javascript who wants to learn simple page redirect using Javascript. Now I have an index.php file and I want to redirect it to the welcome.html inside my welcome folder. Now I know there are many ways to do it but all I want is to display parameters while and after being redirected to my welcome.html. I want to display a param in the address bar after a 6 second delay, e.g’s content is…redirecting in 6,5,…1…0 and after it is redirected to my welcome.html inside my welcome folder , all I want to display in the address bar is

Thanks in advance

What have you tried so far? There are tons of tutorials etc. online to get you started. For example, here’s the first one I stumbled on (admittedly very old).

So to get started, google something like redirect one page to another with javascript. Find one that suits, give it a go, and if you get stuck, let us know!

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