hi all,
i want to create a simple form with 5 fields name, email-id,password,retype password and telephone number the conditions are name & password must be valid,password and retype password should match and phone no must be of 10 digits.
i have written functions for all this in javascript.tell me how to integrate to create a simple form with above fields.
kindly please integrate the functions and give me so that when i click submit button it should accept.
below is the function,when i click submit button if any errors found it should display or else it should accept.
function checkForm(form) /* for user name */
if(form.username.value == “”)
alert(“Error: Username cannot be blank!”);
return false;
function checkEmail(myForm) /* for email validation*/
if (/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)@\w+([\.-]?\w+)(\.\w{2,3})+$/.test(myForm.emailAddr.value))
return (true)
alert(“Invalid E-mail Address! Please re-enter.”)
return (false)
function validatePwd() /password & retype-password verification/
var invalid = " ";
var minLength = 6;
var pw1 = document.myForm.password.value;
var pw2 = document.myForm.password2.value;
if (pw1 == ‘’ || pw2 == ‘’)
alert(‘Please enter your password twice.’);
return false;
if (document.myForm.password.value.length < minLength) {
alert(‘Your password must be at least ’ + minLength + ’ characters long. Try again.’);
return false;
if (document.myForm.password.value.indexOf(invalid) > -1)
alert(“Sorry, spaces are not allowed.”);
return false;
if (pw1 != pw2)
alert (“You did not enter the same new password twice. Please re-enter your password.”);
return false;
alert(‘Nice job.’);
return true;
function ValidPhone(aphone) /* phone no validation */
var valid = “0123456789”;
alert (“This field is required. Please enter phone number”);
return false;
if(aphone.length !=10)
alert(“Invalid phone number length! Please try again.”);
return false;
for (var i=0; i < aphone.length; i++)
temp = “” + aphone.substring(i, i+1);
if (valid.indexOf(temp) == “-1”)
alert(“Invalid characters in your phone. Please try again.”);
return false;
return true;
<form name=myForm onSubmit=“return validatePwd()”>
Name:<input type=name name=name size=“25”>
E-Mail:<input type=email name=email size=“25”>
Password: <input type=password name=password maxlength=12 size=“25”>
Retype password: <input type=password name=password2 maxlength=12 size=“25”>
PhoneNo:<input type=phoneno name=phoneno maxlength=10 size=“25”>
<input type=submit value=“Submit”>