Show and hide div with select option?


<label>Show div?</label>

<div class="show and hide this div when toggling yes and no on selectbox">
some other select boxes with different options

If someone take the option YES, then div under will show, and if the user changes his option to NO, i want it to be hidden again. In fact I want to make all the options he first choose in the hidden div to be obsolete and don’t show in the email output.

So if he choose NO i don’t want the extra fields/options in the hidden div to be shown in the email-output, only if he choose YES and fills them out.

Hope someone understand what Im trying to convey, my english isn’t the best.

Use onchange to attach an event listener to the select element.


    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Select onchange</title>
    <style>.hidden{ display: none; }</style>
    <label for="mySelect">Show div?</label>
    <select id="mySelect">
    <div id="myDiv">
      <p>Some other select boxes with different options.</p>
    var sel = document.getElementById('mySelect'),
        div = document.getElementById('myDiv');
    sel.onchange = function(){
      if (div.className.match("hidden")){
        div.className = "";
      } else {
        div.className = 'hidden';

So if he choose NO i don’t want the extra fields/options in the hidden div to be shown in the email-output, only if he choose YES and fills them out.

I don’t know what you mean by “email-output”.
If you don’t want form fields to submit with a form, disable them:
