Short Blog Posts

I am wondering if posting a short blog post that quickly summarizes an article from an external website and adding a source link to the original article helps with SEO from SERPS, or is it useless, and full posts should always be written?


Any insight into this matter would be greatly appreciated. Also, the short summary post would be original content, and not just a copy and paste so to avoid duplicate content.

Thanks Everyone!!!

In my opinion, posts like that are entirely useless for any reason. In researching for clients, I often find those types of “portal” sites and immediately click away to the original site. Additionally, I can usually find the original article by just using a search engine.

Why would you want to put anything on your site that would cause your visitors to leave within moments? And why would you want to freely advertise for other websites just to put your site up in search engine results?

I would say, only do that if you add more.

on mashable, they talked about [link to mashable post/linking words]
//your summary, with quotes from the post
//your commentary to your summary expanding on a point.

I strongly discourage this technique as well because this would enhance the bounce rate from your blog. It would never give you the permanent SERP. Infact, you would be a source of backlink for the original post. It is highly recommended to do the optimizing blogging by yourself but making sure you have a unique content.

Not sure why you should provide an external link, if you rewrite it in your own words it is now your own content. Most the sites just copy news from other sites as well. No need to give someone else a backlink and send traffic anywhere else.

I think you need to have a look at this thread to see why your answer is not really the right thing to do.

If the OP is going to use another person’s work as the basis for a blog post, they need to be adding something or coming at the subject from a different angle. One approach might be to say that they read an article on a particular subject on another site and disagreed with it. They can then create an original post based on why they disagree.
Equally, they could expand upon the notion of the first article to cover areas missed. None of these approaches need include a link back to the original blog/article that might cause a visitor to click out. Neither are they an infringment of the copyright of the other post.

Yeah, doing this kind of thing will make me and tons of others automatically hate you. Writing better content isn’t really difficult. You just gotta know who to appeal to, how to appeal to them, and what to write that makes 'em tick.

You can do thinking of doing some small size posts with your regular 600 word long posts. And if you are just sharing stories from other websites/blogs in your niche, you are giving away no solid reason for your blog reaeders to stay on your blog

writing on your own blog to advertise others content is a really bad idea. once your readers realize that you don’t have any unique content they will stop visiting you. Then can search content from search engines , Why should they rely on you.

Yeah, doing this kind of thing will make me and tons of others automatically hate you. Writing better content isn’t really difficult. You just gotta know who to appeal to, how to appeal to them, and what to write that makes 'em tick.

You have a point there,writing an interesting topic is one way to attract visitors. I believe it’s not hard to write an interesting post as I know there’s always interesting in every minute of the day!

Anyhow,I don’t think that this kind of technique is good at all.

You can summarize the original articles, rewrite it with your unique words, and you don’t need put a link. Currently you have your own article.

If you are doing this for backlinks, then go ahead!

There is no harm in promoting content of other bloggers at all. Some of the major full time bloggers do it all the time.

Helps you keep your audience engaged and be more faithful readers

In this way you will get more credibility for your blog… this will increase your audience base.

Just make it keyword rich. Short posts can also be great if it has lots of keywords that people are searching.


summarize your original articles , rewrite it with unique words and some new content and new idea.Blog writting is a good for making traffice on your sites,you can put 2 or 3 link on your site and one or two image .

Hope it will help you…:slight_smile:

Since the Original poster has not been back to this thread which began in March, this thread closed.