Send automatic email by date HELP!

Hi Guys,

Just an update I manage to get it working and I thought I would share my the code.


$currentDate = date('Y-m-d'); //this will get the current date ie when this was posted 2107-07-06

$host_name = "  ";
$database = "  ";
$user_name = "  ";
$password = "  ";

    $dbcon = mysqli_connect($host_name, $user_name, $password, $database); //connect to database
    if($dbcon->connect_error) die($dbcon->connect_error);

	  $remind_query1 = "SELECT * FROM Bridges30 WHERE reminder= '$currentDate' "; //Sql query to find users that reminders dates match current date.
	if($run1 = $dbcon->query($remind_query1))
	 $rows = $run1->num_rows;
      for ($j = 0; $j < $rows; ++$j)//loop through each user in results and send a reminder email.
      	$row = $run1->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM);
      	$to = $row[4]; //gets the user email address 
          $subject = "Code 30 Reminder";
          $message = "Hi ".$row[1]."\nJust a reminder that your code 30 will expiry on the ".$row[6].",\n"
      	            ."Please renew your code\n"."\nThank You"."\nBridges Nursery";
        $headers = "From: Bridges Nursery";

hope this helps?