Selecting multiple max values from a sum query

Hi folks

I have four tables, all to do with tanks and weapons that are placed on the tanks and the total number of hits each weapon makes per test.

There are multiple tests, I want to find out which weapon has made the most hits overall (in my case there are two) with a date limitation applied. I have a query that gets the sum of each weapon’s hits and outputs that in a descending list grouped by wep_id, like so:

The query I used to get that is:

SELECT SUM(hit_target) as total_hits,
FROM wep_performance_record w
WHERE test_date>90101
GROUP BY wep_id
ORDER BY total_hits desc;

In my output I only want the two weps that had maximum hits, ie the top two on joint 26 score. I tried SELECT MAX(SUM(hit_target)) but then I get an invalid group function error. I tried to move the date selection into a HAVING statement after the GROUP but then I got an error 1064 (42000) near the having statement.

What am I doing wrong?

If it affects the solution, I intend to get info about those weps from other tables (wep_id is a primary key) and display that also, (such as which tank the wep was mounted on, the wep_type and which mounting point). I’m working on that query now, I assume I will need a JOIN to get those linked?

Many thanks in advance!

SELECT wep_id
     , SUM(hit_target) as total_hits
     , MAX(test_date ) AS latest date
  FROM wep_performance_record
 WHERE test_date > 90101
    BY wep_id
HAVING SUM(hit_target) =
       ( SELECT MAX(total_hits)
           FROM ( SELECT SUM(hit_target) as total_hits
                    FROM wep_performance_record
                   WHERE test_date > 90101
                      BY wep_id ) AS s )


That is complex, but it works, thanks!
Just a couple of things I don’t understand:

Why do I need to get the max test_date?
Why do I need the last bit, AS s )? EDIT: okay I see, it is a derived table so needs an alias, I could call it anything.

The worrying thing is I don’t reckon I could have solved this by myself. If the query for that bit alone is such a big chunk then how big will it be when I try to add the info from the other tables?

By the way r937, I think there should be a cookies-for-tips feature, I am not kidding, I value you guys’ assistance and I want to show my appreciation. Like Hannibal Lekter says, there needs to be quid pro quo :wink:

you don’t, but since you had test_date in your SELECT cause but not in your GROUP BY clause, the value being returned would be indeterminate, i.e. any one of the test_date values in the group (see

slightly bigger :slight_smile:

[COLOR="Blue"]SELECT m.wep_id
     , m.total_hits
     , m.latest_date
  FROM ([/COLOR] SELECT wep_id                                         
              , SUM(hit_target) as total_hits                  
              , MAX(test_date ) AS latest date                 
           FROM wep_performance_record                         
          WHERE test_date > 90101                              
             BY wep_id                                         
         HAVING SUM(hit_target) =                              
                ( SELECT MAX(total_hits)                       
                    FROM ( SELECT SUM(hit_target) as total_hits
                             FROM wep_performance_record       
                            WHERE test_date > 90101            
                               BY wep_id ) AS s )              
       [COLOR="blue"]) AS m
  JOIN other_table AS x
    ON x.wep_id = m.wep_id
  JOIN another_table AS y
    ON y.wep_id = m.wep_id[/COLOR]

Rudy, that’s genius!
Thanks for the pointers, I am in the right direction now.