Select statement with Where something = this OR that

Could I do this in a select statement where a WHERE condition has an OR

SELECT * from Table WHERE something = ? OR ?

You can if you follow the correct syntax. (Think of it like youā€™re writing any other languageā€¦)

SELECT * from Table WHERE column_name1 = ? OR column_name1 =?

would that work?

Try it and see.

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This is my statement and in all cases it shows FALSEā€¦even if trueā€¦so there is something wrong with my condition

   $sql = "SELECT * FROM student_progress WHERE student_id = ? AND level = ? OR level = ?";

Well, now youā€™re being ambiguous.

A And B Or C.


Which of these values would you expect this query to return? Why can I say that the correct answer is ā€˜I dont knowā€™?

(A) and (B or C)

But I could say that ā€œA and B or Cā€ means (A and B) or C.

You notice how to convey what you mean to me, you have to put parenthesis? Thatā€™s a hint. The database engine needs you to put the parenthesis too.

Yes I understand I need to group then. This is what I tried. I still get no-records each time

$level1 = 1;
$level2 = 2;

 $sql = "SELECT * FROM student_progress WHERE (student_id = ?) AND (level = ? OR level = ?)";
 $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
 $result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

and what does $conn->errorInfo() tell you? (it returns an array)

print_r ($conn->errorInfo());

is that how I print the error?

Youā€™d save yourself a lot of time not asking me if thats how you do X, and instead justā€¦ run the code, and if what you get out the other end doesnt look like what you thought it should, then ask me what you did wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

I understand your frustration. I asked you AFTER I already ran the code LOL.

But I get no resultā€¦it wont load the rest of my contentā€¦just blank.

if youā€™ve left that space in between the r and the (, then itā€™s thrown a PHP error.

Yes there was indeed a space but that did not solve it. Here is how the code looks like so far.

 $sql = "SELECT * FROM student_progress WHERE (student_id = ?) AND (level = ? OR level = ?)";
 $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);

(I see you typing there @Mittineague :P)

Right. Time to get superbasic then.

  ini_set('display_errors', '1');
 $sql = "SELECT * FROM student_progress WHERE (student_id = ?) AND (level = ? OR level = ?)";
 $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);

EDIT: That shoulda been a 1.

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AFAIK, MySQL has precedence rules

ā€¦ The precedence of operators determines the order of evaluation of terms in an expression. To override this order and group terms explicitly, use parentheses. ā€¦

i.e. AND will evaluate before OR
a AND b OR c evaluates as (a AND b) OR c

Personally, I resort to using parentheses to group not to override precedence but mainly because I donā€™t want to learn or look up precedence rules for the different use cases I work with. I find it a lot easier to use parentheses whether theyā€™re needed or not.


Thank you for both your help! I changed the SELECT statement to this:

 $sql = "SELECT * FROM student_progress WHERE (student_id = ?) AND ((level = ?) OR (level = 

and it seems to work now

Yeah, pretty much the same thing - I canā€™t be bothered to remember precedence rules (And before Or in MySQL, but in PHP they have equal precedence so it becomes whatever occurs first in the statementā€¦ etcā€¦etcā€¦)

Parenthesis just resolve all ambiguity :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: Nope. Iā€™m wrong, PHP has now separated and/or into separate precedence, but ā€œ&&ā€ has precedence over ā€œ||ā€, but ā€œ||ā€ has precedence over ā€œandā€. So. Yeah. Screw trying to remember it all :stuck_out_tongue:


You could replace repeated OR with IN

SELECT * FROM student_progress WHERE student_id = ? AND level IN (?,?)