Below query shows me all the records in between two dates which is fine but i want to select the records group by property_manager1 and listing_status so that listing_status should not be repeated for a property_manager1:
SELECT (SELECT project FROM master_project WHERE id=p.property_master_project) AS property_master_project, (SELECT project FROM project WHERE id=p.property_project) AS property_project, (SELECT employee_code FROM users WHERE id=p.property_manager1) AS property_manager1, DATE_FORMAT(o.dates,‘%d/%m/%Y’) as dates, o.statuss as listing_status FROM plot p INNER JOIN operations o ON(p.market_appraisal_ref=o.mar_ref) WHERE (p.listing_status=‘Listed’ OR p.listing_status=‘Unlisted’) AND (o.statuss=‘Listed’ OR o.statuss=‘Vendor Phone Call’ OR o.statuss=‘Price Increase’ OR o.statuss=‘Price Reduction’) AND o.dates>=‘2014-08-01’ AND o.dates<=‘2014-08-21’ order by o.dates desc