SEF URLs for a local business directory

Hi there,

I am creating a website for my local community which will feature local business listings, events and jobs.

I am putting together a list of the categories for the business directory and wondered if the following sound ok?

Businesses in Wanstead High Street
url: businesses-in-wanstead-highstreet

Business and Office
url: business-and-office-services-in-wanstead

url: childcare-in-wanstead

url: clothing-in-wanstead

Or should I be being a bit more specific, for example
clothing-shops-in-wantstead ?

Is it ok to just be adding “in-wanstead” on the end of every category?

Also, should I be using a parent url, something like business-in-wanstead/clothing-in-wanstead?

Any ideas would be great, thanks!

Does your directory cover just Wanstead? If so, then adding that to every URL seems like pointless clutter. If you’re distinguishing services in one town from services in another, then adding the town would obviously be useful.

This might help:

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