Search function does not retrieve the correct data from database

I’m trying to add a search function to lgsl ( )

What i have done so far is to create a table inside the database where the lgsl is hosted lgsl_player_playtime that has id, player name, server name, last joined time player_seconds and player_minutes.

Inside lgsl i want to add a search function that once i type a name it will search that name on every server added inside lgsl and if it finds something it should display the server where is he playing at and the total time spent on the server.

I managed to create the table and as far as i can see it retrieves the data correctly, however when i try to search for a name even from someone who currently is on the server that it is added in lgsl it tells me that it has 0 minutes although it had 5 minutes since he joined the server.

this is just a snipet of lgsl_details.php

// Database connection
try {
    $db = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=legendc1_serverlist;charset=utf8", "legendc1_serverlist", "iD.fyD4;72?)MaH");
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    die("Database connection failed: " . $e->getMessage());

// Function to format playtime into a human-readable format
function formatPlaytime($seconds) {
    $hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
    $minutes = floor(($seconds % 3600) / 60);
    $seconds = $seconds % 60;

    if ($hours > 0) {
        return sprintf("%d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds", $hours, $minutes, $seconds);
    } elseif ($minutes > 0) {
        return sprintf("%d minutes, %d seconds", $minutes, $seconds);
    } else {
        return sprintf("%d seconds", $seconds);

if (!empty($server['p']) && is_array($server['p'])) {
    $current_time = time();

    foreach ($server['p'] as $player) {
        $player_name = $player['name'] ?? 'Unknown'; // Player name
        $server_name = $server['s']['name'] ?? 'Unknown Server'; // Server name

        // Check if the player exists in the database
        $query = "SELECT id, playtime_minutes, playtime_seconds, last_join_time 
                  FROM lgsl_player_playtime 
                  WHERE player_name = ? AND server_name = ?";
        $stmt = $db->prepare($query);
        $stmt->execute([$player_name, $server_name]);
        $row = $stmt->fetch();

        if ($row) {
            // Calculate session time
            $last_join_time = strtotime($row['last_join_time']);
            $session_time = max($current_time - $last_join_time, 0);

            // Convert session time to minutes and seconds
            $minutes = floor($session_time / 60);
            $seconds = $session_time % 60;

            // Update playtime
            $new_seconds = $row['playtime_seconds'] + $seconds;
            $extra_minutes = floor($new_seconds / 60);
            $remaining_seconds = $new_seconds % 60;

            $new_minutes = $row['playtime_minutes'] + $minutes + $extra_minutes;

            // Update the database
            $update_query = "UPDATE lgsl_player_playtime 
                             SET playtime_minutes = ?, 
                                 playtime_seconds = ?, 
                                 last_join_time = ? 
                             WHERE id = ?";
            $update_stmt = $db->prepare($update_query);
            $update_stmt->execute([$new_minutes, $remaining_seconds, date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $current_time), $row['id']]);
        } else {
            // Insert new player record
            $insert_query = "INSERT INTO lgsl_player_playtime (player_name, server_name, last_join_time, playtime_minutes, playtime_seconds)
                             VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
            $insert_stmt = $db->prepare($insert_query);
            $insert_stmt->execute([$player_name, $server_name, date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $current_time), 0, 0]);

if (isset($_GET['player_search'])) {
    $player_name = trim($_GET['player_search']);
    if (!empty($player_name)) {
        $query = "
            SELECT server_name, 
                   SUM(playtime_minutes * 60 + playtime_seconds) AS total_seconds
            FROM lgsl_player_playtime
            WHERE LOWER(player_name) = LOWER(?)
            GROUP BY server_name";
        $stmt = $db->prepare($query);
        $results = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

        echo "<div id='search-results'><h3>Search Results for Player: <span style='color: #4079b2;'>$player_name</span></h3>";
        echo "<table class='players_table'>
                        <th>Server Name</th>
                        <th>Total Playtime</th>

        if ($results) {
            foreach ($results as $row) {
                // Convert total seconds to human-readable format
                $formatted_playtime = formatPlaytime($row['total_seconds'] ?? 0);

                echo "<tr>
        } else {
            echo "<tr><td colspan='2' style='text-align: center;'>No results found for player <b>$player_name</b>.</td></tr>";

        echo "</tbody></table></div>";
    } else {
        echo "<div style='color: red; text-align: center;'>Please enter a player name to search.</div>";

$output .= "<div style='text-align:center; font-family:tahoma; font-size:9px; padding: 33px 0 11px 0;'><a href='' style='text-decoration:none'>" . lgsl_version() . "</a></div>";

if ($lgsl_config['preloader']) {
    echo $output;

here are the correct values retrieved

Well, Assuming you searched for Aleksandr, SUM(0 * 60 + 0 ) is 0. So it gave you the correct answer. 0.

makes sense,

I have tried this : SUM(playtime_minutes + IFNULL(playtime_seconds, 0) / 60) AS total_minutes

and still is showing me 0 minutes although the name inside the table ( database) appears 51 minutes

So… what name are you looking up, and what values does that person have in the database? (Hint: I cant see an obvious error in your query.)

IE: What’s the result of the following query in phpmyadmin:
SELECT playtime_minutes, playtime_seconds FROM lgsl_player_playtime WHERE player_name = "WhateverPlayerNameYoureUsingAsAnExample"

So that database contains every player that has entered the server so far , it will store his name , the name of the server he joined and how much time did he spent on the server ( all time )
When i search it’s name ( any name ) it should search inside the table the player with the name i entered and show me the server he joined and how many minutes and seconds he played on that server overall

I’m aware of the thesis statement, i would like you to pick a name, run the query above, and show us the result.
The grouping shouldnt matter for the moment; show me the result for a player you think the script is generating a bad result for. All i’ve seen so far is one where it did the correct thing.

Show me something that says PlayerX played for Y minutes and Z seconds and the script says 0. Or the script says something that isnt Y*60+Z.

okay, and if you pull up Aslan in your search, does it come up with… maffs
19 hours 57 minutes and 53 seconds?

it comes up with this :

…it would be impossible for this line:
formatted_playtime = formatPlaytime($row['total_seconds'] ?? 0);

with a definition of formatPlaytime that is

function formatPlaytime($seconds) {
    $hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
    $minutes = floor(($seconds % 3600) / 60);
    $seconds = $seconds % 60;

    if ($hours > 0) {
        return sprintf("%d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds", $hours, $minutes, $seconds);
    } elseif ($minutes > 0) {
        return sprintf("%d minutes, %d seconds", $minutes, $seconds);
    } else {
        return sprintf("%d seconds", $seconds);

to generate a string that says “0 minutes”.

Also, your output is supposed to be:

                        <th>Server Name</th>
                        <th>Total Playtime</th> <-- Note This

but that’s not the headers on the table you’re showing me.

So your screenshot and the code you have shown us do not line up. Are you sure you’ve saved the file correctly?

// Function to format playtime into a human-readable format
function formatPlaytime($seconds) {
    $hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
    $minutes = floor(($seconds % 3600) / 60);
    $seconds = $seconds % 60;

    if ($hours > 0) {
        return sprintf("%d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds", $hours, $minutes, $seconds);
    } elseif ($minutes > 0) {
        return sprintf("%d minutes, %d seconds", $minutes, $seconds);
    } else {
        return sprintf("%d seconds", $seconds);

if (!empty($server['p']) && is_array($server['p'])) {
    $current_time = time();

    foreach ($server['p'] as $player) {
        $player_name = $player['name'] ?? 'Unknown'; // Player name
        $server_name = $server['s']['name'] ?? 'Unknown Server'; // Server name

        // Check if the player exists in the database
        $query = "SELECT id, playtime_minutes, playtime_seconds, last_join_time 
                  FROM lgsl_player_playtime 
                  WHERE player_name = ? AND server_name = ?";
        $stmt = $db->prepare($query);
        $stmt->execute([$player_name, $server_name]);
        $row = $stmt->fetch();

        if ($row) {
            // Calculate session time
            $last_join_time = strtotime($row['last_join_time']);
            $session_time = max($current_time - $last_join_time, 0);

            // Convert session time to minutes and seconds
            $minutes = floor($session_time / 60);
            $seconds = $session_time % 60;

            // Update playtime
            $new_seconds = $row['playtime_seconds'] + $seconds;
            $extra_minutes = floor($new_seconds / 60);
            $remaining_seconds = $new_seconds % 60;

            $new_minutes = $row['playtime_minutes'] + $minutes + $extra_minutes;

            // Update the database
            $update_query = "UPDATE lgsl_player_playtime 
                             SET playtime_minutes = ?, 
                                 playtime_seconds = ?, 
                                 last_join_time = ? 
                             WHERE id = ?";
            $update_stmt = $db->prepare($update_query);
            $update_stmt->execute([$new_minutes, $remaining_seconds, date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $current_time), $row['id']]);
        } else {
            // Insert new player record
            $insert_query = "INSERT INTO lgsl_player_playtime (player_name, server_name, last_join_time, playtime_minutes, playtime_seconds)
                             VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
            $insert_stmt = $db->prepare($insert_query);
            $insert_stmt->execute([$player_name, $server_name, date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $current_time), 0, 0]);

this should is with what i have been working so far


This code can return one of three things:
A string that says “X hours, Y minutes, Z seconds”
A string that says “Y minutes, Z seconds”
or a string that says “Z seconds”

none of those three things are “Y minutes”.
It is not possible that this code generated the screenshot you showed me in post #9.

So the server isnt executing this code. Either you’ve saved the file in the wrong place, or the server isnt using the file you think it is.

The problem isnt in the code (yet), it’s that the code you wrote isnt even being run.

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