Search from one site to another

Is it possible to have a search input field on one site that will search an already existing site, then it will take the user to the existing site and display the relevant results.

I don’t really support this idea but it’s what the client wants and I’m not sure how I would pass the search query on the other site, or if there is a simply way to do it?


Yeah, it’s called Google! :wink:

yea thanks :smiley: but they want it to go from one client site to another client site.

What’s their purpose in trying to do this - what do they hope to get out of it?

The simplest way to do that would be to use Google. Simply specify the site as a aprt of the search criteria

for example fruit will seach for references to fruit.

Google Site Search might be able to be set up to do a different site than where it’s coming from.

They believe that are adding more “leverage” to the all ready existing search on the other site.

hmmm, not sure I have explained myself properly or maybe I don’t get your answer.

What they want is a single page site that has a search field that takes the user to one of their other sites where it will display the search results. So on the second site they already have a search facility and I trying to pass a search query from site A to site B where site B show what was searched for on site A… yes I know but it’s not my idea.

Anyway like Mittineague suggested could I maybe use Google products to do that?

Either that or you could have the off-site set up an API that sends back the search results.

Maybe if I can get a hold of who ever did the off-site that might be possible, but they seem really cean to have it go through to the off-site

It still would in a sense

Site A sends request to Site B
Site B gets request, processes it, sends back result set
Site A uses result set to display links

So all of the “heavy lifting search” would take place at Site B

That’s what I’d prefer happen and it makes more sense to do it that way, Ill just have to run it by them in the morning.


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