Scripts Freezing

At any time - and often - while using my PC, my computer becomes unresponsive in whatever program I am using. After anything up to 5 or more minutes I will get an error message saying that "a script on this page may be busy or have stopped responding etc… "
The choice is to stop script or continue. Usually i select stop script and the computer becomes usable after about 10-30 seconds. It might become disable again with a minute or so or might run OK for say, 30 minutes.

Some scripts mention Chrome. I have Chrome but it is seldom open when I get the error. Mostly for a browser I use Firefox.
This may not be related but I have Adblock 2.51 enabled in FF
Sometimes the Flash player does this, I have renewed it but it it still happens.
Have run spybot and
PC XP pro SP3

Many thanks.

Is there ant pattern to when it slows up?

How much RAM does the computer have?

What version of FF are you running?

rockerz, you must be using a very old PC. My browser, Firefox (the latest), freezes occasionally and eventually that “script” message appears in which it mentions “tidy” and gives me the same option to stop the script or continue. Activity resumes within a few short seconds after stopping the script. Nothing has ever extended into minutes. I have a fairly old PC, 4GB RAM, WinXP. The frequent Firefox freezes are very, VERY, frustrating, but not as lengthy as you describe. I’m looking into learning how to use Chrome. I am exasperated by the fact that FF simply cannot manage its memory. The laurels of “standards compliant Firefox” have withered.

PC has 2GB RAM
FF version 27.0.1 (latest?)

There is not, except to always do it when one is in a hurry :slight_smile:

thanks for the interest folks

Next time it happens, use task manager and make a note of how much RAM FF is using and how many tabs and windows you’ve got open. Are all addons and extensions up to date?

Yes, there is a pattern.

It occurs when running Firefox and Firefox is accessing a site that uses JavaScript.

To support the OP’s claim, not long after my previous post, Firefox maxed out one of the 2 CPU cores, which effectively froze the active processes. I eventually killed the FF process to “unfreeze” things. This is not a new trick. Firefox has done that before, but I had forgotten about it.

I’m convinced that it’s one of those errant JavaScripts that cannot break out of its loop. I will echo again that it is VERY annoying.

Firefox drags.

Make a note of what site you’re trying to access next time it happens, it could be a badly written script used by a site

Do the script paths (in the attachment ) give a hint as to what they are?

I have to say that’s been ages since I’ve seen this in FF. I would assume that it is a case of bad programming habits more than FF itself although it may affect FF more than other browsers…

In the rare occassions where I’ve seen this kind of behaviour was due to some kind of ad