Save for loop values in database

I have a mySQL database table named rate_values and it is as follows

name | rates
AAAA | 0
BBBB | 0
CCCC | 0
DDDD | 0

My javascript code is as follows:

for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  summaryPanel.innerHTML += '=<input id="rates" type="text"  size=10 value="'+rate+'">';

After running this code, according to the above for loop, it creates three text boxes and gives different values as 10 , 20 and 5.

Now I want to do is, I want to write a PHP code to save these two values in the ‘rate’column of the database after clicking on a ‘save’ button. Then, the database should be as follows.

name | rates
AAAA | 0
BBBB | 10
CCCC | 20
DDDD | 5

Is it possible? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

I would look into serialize and unserialize → for this looks like whay you might be looking for?

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