Sass Questions

Hi there,

I have the following code:

	height: 61px;
	width: 336px;
		background: url(abc-logo.png);
		height: 61px;
		width: 336px;
		position: relative;
	.logo-97 {
		background: url(abc-logo.png) 0 -61px;
	height: 61px;
  width: 336px;

.logo-98 {
		background: url(abc-logo.png) 0 -122px;
	height: 61px;
  width: 336px;

.logo-99 {
		background: url(abc-logo.png) 0 -183px;
	height: 61px;
  width: 336px;


Can anyone see anyway I can simply thins using any variables etc?


I don’t know anything about Sass or css pre-processors, but I know as regular css it could be shortened by removing a lot of repetition.


abc-logo.png could be turned into a variable

$logo: "abc-logo.png";

You could do it with the width/height too I guess?

To be honest, I’d just combine those expressions with regular CSS.

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