Same user registering twice

How do you think I should treat the case of a user that he/she is going to register second time in the site.

I mean he is already registered and and goes to fill the registration form again…with the exact same details(name,username,email…etc).

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I think it is usual to check fields like email address or user name against the database on form submission.
If a match is found, display a message that the name/address is already taken.
In the case of email, you may ask them to login with their existing account.
With duplicate user names, it may not be the same person wanting to use the name.

Edit: There may be privacy concerns over stating specifically that an email address is taken. As that can indicate to a third party that a certain person is signed up to a service/site if they know their email address.


Hello @designtrooper,
You should use the Email Id as the primary and unique key into your user info table. When a user fills the signup form, at that time you should check into database that the particular email id exist or not.

Yeah, it’s better to show the message like “Sorry, you can not use this e-mail address and we don’t know why” :smiley:

Hi there! I believe most websites do not allow 2 accounts to be registered under the same email. If a user did this in your site, I suggest you inform him/her right away through email that you are not allowing such practice regardless if he did this on purpose or accidentally filled another form (I also experienced registering twice by accident due to an intermittent internet connection). Then you also tell the user that you are going to delete the last registered account and will only accept the first one…

Take note this is just my own opinion on the matter. I’m not really an expert on this, but this is what I actually noticed in most websites when they encounter the same issue as the one you’re having right now…:slight_smile:

Hope this helps!:slight_smile:

As mentioned already, this should not be necessary if the sign up script is properly configured not to accept the creation of duplicate accounts by referencing the database.

This is harder to guard against, though in some cases it can be spotted via things like IP lookup, but that’s not always reliable.

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